Monday, July 30, 2007

Local News - Shit Talk

According to the cops over on the, acting Commish Bealefeld is a puppeted O'Malley and now Dixon whore who is incapable of running the BPD. Some go so far as to claim his "dumb ass" is part of the reason the agency is in such bad condition. Shit talk has it that he continues to take orders from a civilian in Annapolis while taking orders from the interim Mayor. The cops are also complaining about the female they call the "SheBitch" being 'promoted' because interim Mayor Dixon needs the gay-lesbian vote. Never mind the "SheBitch's" poor record on racial discrimination and destruction of an entire Division within the agency. Some interesting and lighthearted reading there. I need to mention the stupid ass idea of having Homicide detectives walk foot, in the middle of a murder/shooting crisis was his bad idea.

Most posters on the Sun Paper's message board hate MD Guv O'Malley. They claim his people are as stupid and lie as bad as he does. Complaints there range from lying about finding relief from high utility (BGE) rates to raising taxes, to secret meetings excluding the State's Republican electeds, to support of his bloated administration.

The weblog and watchdog site: o' has more in depth information regarding the administration.

Political candidates are looking to garner the illegal immigrant vote because so many are prevalent within the City limits. Apparently Baltimore City is a haven for the border jumpers invading this Country.

An appeals Court Judge has decided Police Officers are liable when they purposely lie on Search & Seizure Warrants and can be sued. Well, yeah duh! It seems members of the BPD's Internal Affairs Unit purposely lied on a warrant stating two agency members were planting drugs on citizens when they had no proof of such claims. A lower level Judge and interestingly friend of then Mayor O'Malley previously claimed it was okay to lie on official sworn Court documents. Makes me wonder who else they have lied on.

btw, the Federal case where members of IAD shredded the requested evidence, on the premise there was a lack of folers, is continuing to the deposition phase.

Is there anyone else out there starting to seriously wonder about the criminality of BPD's Internal Affairs Division?

Three helpful out-of-towner citizens, not realizing Baltimore is a fucking war zone, made efforts to assist a man being beaten on the street. One of those citizens was subsequently stabbed several times in his abdomen by unknown assailants for his valiant efforts. Thanks a lot you scum bags.

The City Correctional Lieutenant everyone was looking for 'cause he shot his wife and 13 yr old step-son has graciously taken his own life and spared us all the expense of a trial. More criminals need to do so.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Global Summary

The UN with it's quasi reforms has decided it needs a better quality of Peace Keepers preferably not those who are prone to war crimes like torture. They may also want to look at denying rapists since there happens to be a few problems in that area too.
"In the interview with Profil, Mr Nowak said concerns about the quality, training and ethics of peacekeepers were growing as developing nations with questionable human rights records were being asked to contribute troops. Mr Nowak said that peacekeepers from such nations might commit the same kind of crimes that they would at home.The criteria are not very high," he said."
Well, yeah, you might want to do something about that. Glad you noticed, though.

Hezbollah's leader says they beat the US and Israel in the last Lebanese squirmish and they claim to still have rockets. Whoopie. Why are all those leaders creepy looking guys with bad wardrobe coordination? I guess there is something to be said for forced marraiges. Most of those guys would be single if not for that.

Two BBC correspondants are planning to cross the US speaking only Spanish. They want to experience the experience and talk to others who have experienced the experience. They want to see how its done. I'll tell them. Hablan Español pero no hablan Inglés. Those who are illegal hide from La Policía, Federales, y La Guardia Nacional until they are caught for participating in third world activities such as street gang drive-bys, machete body part lopping, borrowing Social Security Numbers of unsuspecting citizens, starting criminal enterprises.....and are deported. Entiendes? Creo que sí. Bueno. They are only traveling through the deep Southern US, so I guess they will miss the large Central American population of Casa De Maryland.

On the homefront the US is planning to give a substantial arms cache to the Sauidis. Will we ever learn? Of course not.
"The proposed deal for Saudi Arabia reportedly includes air-to-air missiles, advanced precision-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels."

The Peruvian President promised to cut poverty (where have we heard that before?) by 2011, but he hasn't been doing so well. Calling demonstrators 'communists' (aka I hate you) and 'parasites' (aka I really really hate you) while fearmongering is soooo 20th Century. Can't argue his popularity dropping to 32% after such Orwellian behavior.

France is afraid there will be yet another war in Lebanon.....there is always a war in Lebanon and France is always afraid...move on there is nothing new to see here.

NASA's astronaughts are thought to be drinking that 'funky monkey' prior to piloting a zillion dollar space craft. That has a buch of people's panties in a twist. Maybe they are testing the affects of alcohol in a weightless enviornment, did anyone think of that? No, they didn't.
"Two specific instances were described where astronauts had been so intoxicated prior to flight that flight surgeons and-or fellow astronauts raised concerns to local on-scene leadership regarding flight safety," the report said."
I'd drink too considering the aircraft has a high probability of exploding (due to tiny cracks) with millions of gallons of fuel leaving my scattered body parts over hundres of miles of scenic waterscape.

A Chinese-Mexican guy indicted in the US for drug trafficking says he was set up, even though large sums of money were found in the hidden wall components of his home. According to him someone unknown wasted $205 million dollars on a gotcha gag. Sure ChinaMex, we believe you.

"The resources have been credited to the accounts of the judiciary, the attorney general's office and the health ministry," he said.

The money would be spent on rehabilitation programmes for addicts, on police equipment and on boosting operations of the judiciary to bring drug dealers to trial, officials said."

I think we can all kiss that money good-bye. The Mexican Govt isn't the most sincere in its use of seized monies.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Flash News

Baltimore City's Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm tenured his resignation at the request of interim Mayor Sheila D. amidst various controversy yesterday. The second wheel is stepping up as interim Commissioner. I don't think it wise to leave the man responsible for daily operations in charge. If you are looking to fix a problem you don't leave a large part of that problem in place. The latest PD fiasco deals with missing evidence in a trial against a City Police Detective accused of having sex with a juvenile prisoner.

As the world turns.

Pakistani Islamofacist crazies are having fun on their killing spree sending remote controlled bombs into mosques, bombs into Hubs, suicide bombings at Police stations and such.

The UN voted to reform itself but it fell short of reforming itself enough.

The UK is experiencing a Robbery spike while other crimes remain stable.

Oh, and I absolutely love the pink offset of the gas masks to those dark blue NYPD uniforms. Its soo soo eclectic. Look out Paris fashion strip here comes the NYPD!

Monday, July 16, 2007

World News

Iran TV shows detained Americans

Iran is snatching Americans again and claiming they are spies. Nothing to see here.

Iraq oil city blasts kill dozens

Suicide bombers hit the Kurdish political party's building killing at least 85. See, the killings are not purely religious they kill each other for political reasons too over there.

Man shot in US governor's office

A guy claiming to be the 'emperor' was shot dead in the Colo Guv's office. Apparently he wasn't the emperor.

Beijing suspends US meat imports

China is putting a halt to US imports ... something about oversized chickens.

Street protests 'paralyse' Peru

Striking workers have caused a shut-down in the country. It has to be bad when teachers are throwing eggs at the President.

Venezuela TV makes comeback

The station everyone was so concerned about, found er help with getting back on the air as a cable channel. The US doesn't quit so easily, you know.

City News

Relative: Witness in girl’s slaying case targeted

Looks like witness intimidation is alive and well. Three girls sent to confront the witness, one possessing a firearm. How special.

Five die in Baltimore during weekend

I wonder if anyone saw anything? This brings the total to somewhere near 180 give or take a few yet to be reported deaths.

Meanwhile the various candidates for local office are debating over crime plans and police hiring, a small unit in the ED thinks it is the only one taking on 'gang's, and the Guv is whining about a weblog having insider information.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

COPA Results - Brasil beats Argentina 3-0 !!

Brazil victorious in Copa America

Way to go Brasil!! I, like many others, was expecting a harder fight from Argentina. I think the two goals in the first half killed the Argentines' spirits. Goals went to Baptista, Alves, and one big "oops!!" into his own goal by Argentine player Ayala.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Local MD News

The latest news source homicide tally puts B-more City at 154 so far this year, give or take a few days. Baltimore Crime blog has a name count of 166. One wonders if the news source's info is taken from the number of 'incidents' or the number of 'persons' killed ... twelve person difference there.

Though the O's pretty much suck, they finally won a game. See it here.

The Afram is in Balto City this weekend. Scheduled acts include Patti LaBelle and the Temptations. Somebody Loves Ya Babe.

Cooling Centers have opened in various locations throughout Baltimore City to help with the searing heat. Use one if you need one.

COPA and other news

Copa América Venezuela 2007

Well, well, finally Brazil plays like the Brazil we all know.

Copa América Venezuela 2007

....and good on Uraguay for their 4-1 win over Venezuela.

Pakistani soldier dies in clash

Pakistani soldiers are continuing their battle to regain control of a wayward Mosque being held by crazed students.

Iraq market truck bomb kills 105

More insurgents killing Iraqis. At some point I would think the Iraqis will begin to turn on the insurgents en-masse.

maryland news and baltimore news

'Ya know, I like strawberries, really I do, but is that front page headliner material? Further along the page we get to something more pertinent in small writing...code red alert from Sun-Tue.

Hey! Keep cool out there!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Here We Go Again

Russia issues new missile threat

Oh brother! Its all we need now, another group of crazies "feeling" threatened.... "feel me?" A summit was held between the US and Russia but after much trash was talked the two sides could not reach an agreement. Now we have threats with counters of empty threats. I think Putin has beady 'never trust me' eyes.

Colombia hostages in video appeal

Looks like the Colombian Terror groups are tired of housing their hostages. Videos were sent out for the Columbian Govt to please make a deal for those people. I get the impression that was a plea for relief?

Defying silence in Honduras

A soon to be martyred journalist is working hard to expose corruption in Honduras. It seems unknown persons have recently killed her lawyer without any show of concern from 'state' officials. Let's pray she lives to tell about life attempts.

'Slave' labourers freed in Brazil

Always screwing over the indigenous peoples with near slavery, piss poor work conditions, extortion...! 1000 + laborers we freed from Amazonian plantations during a Govt investigation. Its for this very reason Simon Bolivar started his revolution against Spain.

"Many farmers in the Amazon region who incur debts are forced to work virtually for free in order to repay the money they owe.

Labour ministry officials and prosecutors discovered
more than 1,100 workers working 13 hours a day and living in conditions
described as "appalling".

It is the largest such raid in Brazil, a country beset by the problem of slave labour."

Booooo! Brazil .... ¡¡¡ Viva la revolución !!!

In pictures: US Independence Day

You can view more Happy Birthday USA photos at the link.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

US loses to Paraguay

Flawless, Gushes Paraguay Soach Martino

Anyone who thought the US could beat Paraguay was hopeful to say the least. Rated over Argentina (but not favored to win COPA) Paraguay has a powerhouse of strikers who can finish the play. The US lagged in the finishing department although there were certainly plenty of opportunities to score. Maybe next time you'll do better playing in fútbol land fellas ... the other teams are not soft in the world's oldest soccer tournament.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Whackos are back at it

UK terror threat now 'critical'

The world's love to hate whackos were thwarted yesterday with good police investigation. Two car bombs diffused. Alas! They were able to pull one bombing off in Scotland.

We can expect utter chaos in the US. None of that nice British calm organization.

Deserted cocaine boat in Senegal

Someone left a perfectly good boat full of cocaine unattended. Somewhere to the tune of 1.2 (metric) tons. We can expect several horrific deaths behind that faux pas