Sunday, July 08, 2007

COPA and other news

Copa América Venezuela 2007

Well, well, finally Brazil plays like the Brazil we all know.

Copa América Venezuela 2007

....and good on Uraguay for their 4-1 win over Venezuela.

Pakistani soldier dies in clash

Pakistani soldiers are continuing their battle to regain control of a wayward Mosque being held by crazed students.

Iraq market truck bomb kills 105

More insurgents killing Iraqis. At some point I would think the Iraqis will begin to turn on the insurgents en-masse.

maryland news and baltimore news

'Ya know, I like strawberries, really I do, but is that front page headliner material? Further along the page we get to something more pertinent in small writing...code red alert from Sun-Tue.

Hey! Keep cool out there!

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