Tuesday, June 12, 2007

MD News

Baltimore City's murder rate hit 136 and counting this weekend. Several not so bright news sources are reporting not seeing the number of deaths this high since the '90s. Sure. There were likely 18 or so less during this time last year so I gotta wonder whose brain hatched last years murders as being a 'low' in comparison. 136 is too many murders, 136 minus 18 is also too many damn murders.

Lots of politicians have crime plans this election season. One wonders if the Police Commissioner has one too.

City Officials are concerned over a FD fund which was being used to purchase FD breathing equipment and such. However, no City Officials are concerned about the 50 million or so dollars missing from the City school system nor are they worried about paying millions to contractors to fix the dilapidated schools...even though the work in some 60 percent of the schools has never been started.

PoPo arrested four scuzz in relation to an attack which landed a citizen in a coma. One of the scuzz involved was out on bail for a carjacking. How special.

Oh and Congress has gotten rid of that ridiculous immigration Bill. Revamp people, revamp.

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