Holiday Season
excerpt from Sun article:
"Police say they believe the same men have held up eight bars in the past three weeks, usually the same way.
Either two or three men enter the tavern wearing gloves and masks or bandanas to cover their faces, according to police. One man, waving a gun, immediately jumps behind the bar and, in most cases, removes the entire cash drawer. Another man stands as a lookout and prevents people from leaving the bar."
Now, not too long ago I recall reading about some numbnut soldiers from APG committing carjackings and other such crimes. Is there some connection? or is this the work of gangs who have finally been organized to the point they finished training each other in the finer aspects of hooliganism? or could it be a combination of both considering the military has been infiltrated by gang members who take that training back to their "sets" ? or could it be a bunch of guys not connected to anything in particular who want a little money for Christmas gifts? Time will tell.
Speaking of Christmas gifts. Anyone else see the lines outside retail stores yesterday? Yes, people were literally camped out to purchase the few stocked newly arrived PlayStation 3 game console. In some areas around this here USA there were reports of shootings and other such madness. Boston however was smart enough to pass out tickets to the first line arrivals who went back home until the store opened. The employee who thought of that organized and safe procedure should get a hefty bonus, IMO.
The two men found shot dead in a Sparks medical firm appear to be employees. Police surmise it was some sort of murder-suicide. There was also a murder on the county side of Brooklyn Park, identity still unknown:
"The victim - believed to be 22 - was found shot shortly before 10 p.m. near Victory Avenue and 11th Avenue East as county officers investigated a reported shooting there, police said."
As for B-more, the murder count is somewhere around 240. You can check out the names and circumstances of each death at the City Paper's Murder Ink archive.